Thursday, 3 February 2011

Returning to blogging(?) and discovering the paternal funny bone...

I can't say I 've lost my writing head all this time, so no worries:)

It's been a while since I wrote something on this blog corner... In the meantime some negligible thingy in the cosmic sphere of things happened, like me becoming a dad... Wow! Let's see that again in all its bold letters glory... I' ve become a dad! Hmmm... that looks just about right now. So yeah, since 2 weeks ago I am the proud "owner", "papa", "head honcho", "cool as heck dad" of a baby daughter. Suddenly, the surge of ultra dadhood that has been coursing through my veins for the past two weeks has reset my interesting - o - meter to "write". OK, it may not have been as dramatic a transformation as I am describing here but the stupid evidence is there for all to see ... I wrote in my greek blog (equally in hiatus as this one for the past 4 - 5 months) a couple of days ago and now this... Is it contagious? Am I going to write posts like a madman from now on, standing upside down on my head in the middle of the living room? I can't say for certain...

Still getting used to recalibrating my funny bone with added "fatherhood infused " verbal rapid fire :).

Still, it does amaze me in a purely non-modest egomaniac way, that all of a sudden I have rediscovered "the fine art of writing" and how to cheerfully molest it once again with my mixed grill comic bookish english. By some twist of bloggish fate, this blog has been in writing hibernation but not in a drought of visitors. The gods of cool blogger widgets have a lot to do with this kinky paradox. Every day lots of people have entered the realm of this desserted blog using the miraculous powers of "google search", looking for things unrelated to the core essence of the writing malarchy displayed on these glorious premises. So, even by accident, some sort of movement by intelligent or not so intelligent life forms has taken place within "Deadpool's Laughing Den"(Sweeeeetttt...). Now, it is not a feat I am proud of personally, and probably a lot of the visitors who made the mistake of actually reading a few lines written by my majestic typing fingers, have been haunted by horrible nightmares ever since. But beggars can't be choosers and at least I have the cute personal illusion that this blog isn't dead just yet...

It all started innocently enough, kiss kiss bang bang and other "extreme sports" activities ... Then "all of a sudden" I became a father! Whoa!!!

So, I am a dad now and I am really curious if that is going to make me an unfunny slob ready to "bloggingly defend" my sacred family values with politically correct humour. Actually, that won't be happening in this lifetime but it is nice to remind myself once in a while that I won't becoming THAT sort of dad, the one that thrives on cliched behaviour and humourless social manners. Nah, stereotypical dads are boring (
all around nice guys I am sure, plus I love my dad - uber gay comment overload in progress- ...), so that is always a good motivation to not go down that path. Therefore, I am aspiring to ignite a new breed of uber dadness and prove once and for all in front of your bewildered reading eyes, that a dad can be responsible AND (wait for it, wait for it, wait for it ...) actually funny! And with this amazingly blunt statement I am - almost- concluding this pointless rant of a post!!!

The kid friendly Deadpoolite costume wasn't really working out for me... Still, I had to give it a try and "by the dusty bones of Walt Disney" I did just that... Then, the itching started and it all went back to pure "classic Deadpool look" from there:).

For what is worth, I will be returning with more DPish posts infused with my newly found "dad power". I can't say if anyone will be around to read but then again , if not, you will be missing out on the single reason worth living for on planet earth (besides sex, food, more sex and fatherhood)! And with those humbless words, I leave the premises, threatening to return sometime between changing diapers and losing my sleep downtime...

Till next time, take care all!